Our Favorite Rome Restaurants by Neighborhood: San Lorenzo

At Tram Tram, Pugliese dishes like rice, potatoes and mussels are the specialty of the house

Where there are students, there are sure to be bars and restaurants. Welcome to San Lorenzo. Right now, if you asked any Roman about San Lorenzo, they’d probably say “la movida.” A word borrowed from Spanish, it means the young-person culture of bars, aperitivo and late-nights. San Lorenzo, located just behind Termini, is adjacent to […]

The 9 Things You Need to Know Before Traveling to Rome

Pictured here is Civita di Bagnoregio, an easy day trip from Rome!

Like any strong-willed city with a rich history, Rome is complicated, and can feel overwhelming. But also like any city worth its salt, Rome is eternally worth it (you just have to get to know her a bit). Whenever we’re going to a new place, it’s always marvelous if we happen to know someone who […]

The Complete Vegan Guide to Rome

Vegan food at the Romeow Cat Bistro

Our guide to vegan restaurants in Rome shows you that eating vegan doesn’t mean eating second best. It’s quite difficult to eat traditional Italian food as a vegan. Traditional dishes which are vegan are few and far between and are spread out amongst regional cuisines making them difficult to find everywhere. Neapolitan spaghetti with tomato […]